Is “Differing Political Opinions” a “Petty” Reason for Divorce?

Whether it is a simple divorce, or a complicated financial dispute, our Chicago divorce lawyers at Arnoux Sharma Standeford, LLC are here to advise and guide you.
Last updated on: August 14, 2024
According to one expert, in fact, differing political views is a common and “petty” reason for a couple to get a divorce. But is “differing political views” a petty reason to get a divorce, and where can Chicago couples turn for help with their marriage and divorce questions? We discuss those questions here.
Is “Differing Political Opinions” a “Petty” Reason for Divorce?

There is no doubt that 2024 is an election year. From political signs already spiked down into the ground on neighborhood street corners, to the barrage of text messages asking for campaign donations, to the constant news cycle and political ad cycle casting speculation, doubt, and spouting wisdom about who will be the next president of the United States, is all very stressful for many Chicago couples, and can even impact their marriages. Indeed, some Chicago couples share different political opinions, and with political division becoming deeper and stronger in the United States, rifts can also form within a couple. According to one expert, in fact, differing political views is a common and “petty” reason for a couple to get a divorce. But is “differing political views” a petty reason to get a divorce, and where can Chicago couples turn for help with their marriage and divorce questions? We discuss those questions here.

Politics and Marriage: A Simple Disagreement or a Marriage “Irretrievably Broken”?

There is no way around it: some professionals who work in the marriage and divorce world call divorcing due to political differences “petty”. One divorce lawyer who was asked what the “pettiest” reason for divorce is answered with “differing political differences”, and noted that “We had a case many years ago where the husband decided because the wife voted for a particular president, that he needed to get divorced from her.” Others, however, disagree that divorcing due to differing political views is petty at all, and that it is actually a matter of deeply-rooted values. TikTok users weighed into the issue commenting that, “That’s not a petty reason. Politics are rooted in your values and if you don’t share core values with your partner it can make it impossible to get on the same page about anything.” Another user wrote, “That’s not petty at all. It’s a complete lack of similar values and, ultimately, different ideologies. That’s not how marriage works successfully.” So where do you stand when it comes to marriage and politics? Is divorcing due to differing political views petty, or does it come down to core values?

Legal Help for Chicago Individuals Seeking Divorce

Whether you are of the opinion that divorcing due to differing political opinions is petty or not, the truth of the matter is that couples get divorced for a variety of reasons, and some reasons may make more sense than others. In any case, if you are in the Chicago area and you are seeking legal advice regarding your Chicago divorce, it is best to speak to an experienced Chicago divorce lawyer as soon as possible. The experienced Chicago divorce lawyers at Arnoux Sharma Standeford, LLC are here to help individuals in Chicago with their Chicago divorces. Do not hesitate to speak to a lawyer about your divorce case today. Contact Arnoux Sharma Standeford, LLC and speak to a lawyer about your case now.