A to Z to Learn about Pedestrian Accidents – When to Seek Legal Consultation?

Louis Berk was born in Caracas, Venezuela, where he lived with his parents and younger sister. In the summer of 1994, his parents made the life-changing decision to relocate to the United States.
Last updated on: April 01, 2024
According to the definition, pedestrian accidents are crashes when a vehicle hits an individual who passes the road. Simply put, if you were on your foot during the accident, you might be entitled to receive the compensation for the injury.
A to Z to Learn about Pedestrian Accidents – When to Seek Legal Consultation?

When a car hits a pedestrian, unfortunate incidents happen. Witnesses and victims associated with pedestrian accidents may experience anxiety, fear, and trauma. For survivors, this type of accident may result in traffic fear and trigger feelings of helplessness.

Such instances are violent and may result in emotional distress that impacts mentally and psychologically. Besides mental consequences, such a tragic accident can have financial consequences, too. Thus, someone who has been a pedestrian accident victim needs legal consultation from an Orlando car accident attorney.

Types of Pedestrian Accidents: When Do These Incidents Occur?

According to the definition, pedestrian accidents are crashes when a vehicle hits an individual who passes the road. Simply put, if you were on your foot during the accident, you might be entitled to receive the compensation for the injury.

As a pedestrian, you may experience minor or severe consequences of the accident. So, understanding where and when these crashes occur will help you better understand your accident.

Distracted Driving

While driving, every driver should keep their focus on the road. Otherwise, distraction may result in accidents. One of the common types is pedestrian accidents. Distracted driving may result from these circumstances:

⮚      Texting someone while driving

⮚      Taking a call while driving

⮚      Fixing hair

⮚      Eating something while driving

It also depends on a driver’s focus level. Suppose a child constantly cries in the car, and the driver gets distracted due to this. These incidents may put pedestrians and other drivers at risk. On the other hand, if the pedestrian isn’t surfing their smartphone or earphones while crossing streets, that might also impose risks.

Drivers Who Are Under the Influence of Alcohol

When someone drives under the influence of alcohol, it might impose massive risks to the passersby. Besides being an offence of driving, DUI or driving under the influence of alcohol might be dangerous for people who walk on the streets.

Those driving cars in an intoxicated condition might face the consequences. In simple words, impaired drivers may anytime hit people on the road while making turns. So, if you have been a victim of a pedestrian accident due to an intoxicated driver, you need to consult a legal advisor.

Adverse Weather Conditions 

Adverse weather conditions are one major reason a pedestrian may encounter an accident with a car or motorcycle. A slippery road might make it difficult for the driver to stop in time when the pedestrian passes. However, a skilled driver understands the impacts, so they can handle the matter more seriously than amateur drivers.

Trapped Pedestrian Accident

At times, pedestrians enter the crosswalk when they have the walk signal. However, the pedestrian may be trapped even after the signal changes to “DON’T WALK” before they finish crossing. So, after the traffic signal changes, the driver will proceed through the intersection. They may not realize when the car hits them in the middle of the road.

Multiple Threat Accidents

In certain cases, pedestrians may be at a higher risk when they see multiple cars in the middle of the road. Those cars have to stop to let the passersby cross the road. However, while some stop to allow them to walk, others don’t. As a result, a car might hit the person when the other car (that stopped) blocks the view. This may result in a severe accident, leading to serious injuries.

Road Construction

Road construction may result in pedestrian accidents. If the person is unaware of the inconveniences of road construction at that particular location, it may result in serious consequences. Also, some people don’t realize that road construction may force pedestrians to walk in areas where drivers go.

As a result, the speed at which the driver travels when a pedestrian walks on the road may result in a higher risk of accidents. If you or someone you know has undergone this type of crash recently, it’s time to consult a legal advisor soon.

When Vehicles Make the Left Turn

Crosswalks have signals, but that does not mean drivers always check them before taking their turn. So, when a pedestrian walks, the driver takes a turn and hits the passerby unknowingly or unintentionally. The driver isn’t focused on looking straight; instead, they look at the sideways. This is how an accident happens.

Multi-lane or Arterial Road Accidents

Arterial roads or multi-lane roads can be extremely dangerous for pedestrians to cross. On these busy roads, drivers have to deal with other drivers. That’s how they modify their speeding and ensure that everything is safe. These drivers are not looking out for pedestrians or focusing on the traffic signals. So, when a pedestrian aims to cross the road, they may meet a pedestrian accident.

Criminal Penalties for Drivers Hitting a Passerby – When to Consult an Attorney?

Pedestrian accidents can occur due to recklessness, distracted driving, rolling stops, excessive speeding, and more. As per the law, a driver hitting a passerby on the road is equal to a criminal offense. So, the driver has to pay charges against the defendant(s).

Maximum vehicle accidents do not result in criminal charges. However, when the court seeks proof of evidence against drivers who recklessly drive on the road, they might be charged for expenses. So, if you have been hit by a car on the road, you must consult a lawyer. Your Florida pedestrian accident attorney does the following:

⮚      Represents your personal injury case in the courtroom

⮚      Helps you understand the legal options and rights

⮚      Negotiate about the compensation amount you deserve

Overall, a pedestrian attorney offers guidance to protect you and maximize the compensation amount.


A pedestrian can be anyone – walkers, runners or joggers, roller skaters, bicyclists, or skateboarders. So, if you have recently encountered an accident resulting from a pedestrian accident, it’s time to consult an attorney. Whether it’s a fracture, spinal injury or any other mental trauma, your legal advisor, with the help of medical evidence, can help you get deserving compensation.