Joel Maxman

Office Address:
60 Columbus Circle, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10023


Joel Maxman

Michael, Levitt & Rubenstein LLC

Practice Areas

Real Estate Leasing Real Estate Development Real Estate Finance Real Estate Acquisition

$77 For 33 Hours of Florida CLE Full Compliance - Lowest Price
This compliance bundle provides 33 hours of CLE credit including the required 5 hours of ethics, professionalism, substance abuse, and mental illness awareness credit, along with the required 3 Technology credits.

New York Real Estate Law Lawyers

Attorney with over thirty (30) years experience in Commercial Transactions, Commercial Litigation, Corporate Law, Personal Injury and Commercial/Residential Real Estate.
212 267-7900
Gerry Wendrovsky provides quality, individualized legal assistance to residents/businesses in the Upper West Side of Manhattan, Morningside Heights, Manhattan Valley and Harlem.