Vardags Birmingham

Office Address:
Service Area
London, GA EC4M 7NG

+4420 7404 9390

Vardags Birmingham

Vardags Birmingham


Vardags is an elite divorce and family law firm working exclusively on high value cases, serving clients in the Birmingham and West Midlands area. Our President, Ayesha Vardag has been widely described as “Britain’s Top Divorce Lawyer”.

We offer a free consultation to suitable clients, typically those where the family’s net assets are in excess of £1m or the combined income is in excess of £150,000. Vardags’ expertise and experience is highlighted in numerous industry awards.

List of Services:


Children & Family

Reputation & Privacy

Criminal Defence

Domestic Abuse Lawyers

Business Hours:

Mon-Sun: Open 24 Hours

For more information, please contact us with the details below:

Contact Email:

[email protected]

Fax Number:

020 7404 8995

$48 For 15 Hours of Texas CLE Full Compliance - Lowest Price
This compliance bundle provides access to online video and audio courses which, when completed, will satisfy the entire 15 hour and 3 hour ethics CLE requirement for Texas. These courses have been approved by the State Bar of Texas for full CLE credit.

London Family Law Lawyers

The Family Law Group advises clients who are considering or going through a separation. Call our London, Ontario office at 519-672-5953 for more information.
(519) 672-5953
Eric is a family law, divorce, and child protection lawyer in London, Ontario. He is also an agent for the Children's Lawyer for Ontario, and acts as children's counsel.