Vardags Bath
Vardags Bath
Practice Areas
Vardags is an elite divorce and family law firm working exclusively on high value cases, serving clients in the Bath, Somerset and South West areas. Our President, Ayesha Vardag has been widely described as “Britain’s Top Divorce Lawyer”.
We offer a free consultation to suitable clients, typically those where the family’s net assets are in excess of £1m or the combined income is in excess of £150,000. Vardags’ expertise and experience is highlighted in numerous industry awards.
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London Criminal Law Lawyers
I have been practicing law for over 38 years. My speciality is personal injury, however, I have great knowledge in other areas as well.
740 852 8383
Hojol is a Senior Solicitor at Caddick Davies Solicitors with experience in motoring offences.
0203 390 9942