Merrick Brock, PLLC

Office Address:
1801 Libbie Ave Suite 100
Richmond, VA 23226

(804) 500-9796

Merrick Brock, PLLC

Merrick Brock, PLLC

At Merrick Brock PLLC, we serve the state of Virginia, representing individuals and families in personal injury and wrongful death cases.

$58 For 24 Hours of New York CLE Full Compliance - Lowest Price
This CLE package will satisfy all of your New York CLE requirements! The MCLEZ New York Bundle A provides 24 hours of CLE credit, including 4 hrs of Ethics, Professionalism and Diversity.

Richmond Real Estate Law Lawyers

I am a business and commercial litigator with areas of emphasis being environmental, trust and estates, property law and contract disputes.
Business Law focusing on small business; Bankruptcy; Family Law - Divorce; Bankruptcy; Estate Planning - Wills, Trusts, Powers-of-Attorney and Advanced Directives, Real Estate law & litigation.
(804) 447-3462
Call us to help. Representing values, call the attorneys of Bowen Ten Cardani. 804-755-7599
(804) 755-7599