Gregory H.  Comings

Office Address:
3850 Vine St. Ste 100 Riverside, CA 92507
Riverside, CA 92507

(951) 724-5398

Gregory H. Comings

Law office of Gregory H. Comings, APC

When I first decided I wanted a legal career, I knew that it would be in defending people accused of crimes. Growing up I witnessed so many injustices. People that were wrongly accused and people that although they had broken the law, the punishment they were facing seemed so severe in accordance with the crime. I knew that defending the accused was where my talent would be. I knew this in my heart and soul.

When I first decided I wanted a legal career, I knew it would be in defending people accused of crimes. Growing up, I witnessed many injustices in our system. I saw people who were wrongly accused; I saw people, that although they had committed a crime, the punishment they faced was far too severe. I knew in that moment that my talent lied in defending these people. Every person deserves the best defense available.

After I graduated from law school, I immediately started practicing law. I slowly developed a string team of like-minded professionals to work with my team giving my clients the benefit of knowledge and expertise. I work with experts in all fields; gang experts, private defense investigators, neuropsychological forensic experts, hand-writing experts, ballistic experts, and so many more. I have teamed up with the best for my clientele.

$48 For 15 Hours of Texas CLE Full Compliance - Lowest Price
This compliance bundle provides access to online video and audio courses which, when completed, will satisfy the entire 15 hour and 3 hour ethics CLE requirement for Texas. These courses have been approved by the State Bar of Texas for full CLE credit.

Riverside Criminal Law Lawyers

John Michels is a criminal defense attorney in Riverside, Ca. If you have been arrested or accused of committing a crime, contact Riverside Criminal Defense Lawyer, John Michels.
Erin Kirkpatrick is an experienced and resourceful trial attorney who stays focused on keeping abreast of every legal development in the practice of criminal law.
(951) 312-6492