BD Law

Office Address:
500 S Australian Ave, Suite 628
West Palm Beach, FL 33401

(561) 398-4683

BD Law

BD Law

Practice Areas

West Palm Beach Criminal Defense Attorney Brandon Dinetz takes a proactive, aggressive approach to criminal charges and accusations. Brandon is highly skilled in achieving excellent results early in the case. If the State decides to proceed with charges, Mr. Dinetz will never give up. He will work tirelessly to make sure your rights are protected. If you are facing misdemeanor or felony charges, he will advocate for you and your freedom.

$77 For 33 Hours of Florida CLE Full Compliance - Lowest Price
This compliance bundle provides 33 hours of CLE credit including the required 5 hours of ethics, professionalism, substance abuse, and mental illness awareness credit, along with the required 3 Technology credits.

West Palm Beach DUI Defense Lawyers

Trial Attorney, Former Public Defender and Division Chief, Private Practice since 2001: Family law, criminal defense, foreclosure defense, immigration and traffic accidents/personal injury.
The Balaguera Law Firm, P.A. strives to protect the rights of the accused with an aggressive, thoughtful, and intelligent legal strategy
561 414 8016

Andrew Stine

Andrew D. Stine, P.A.

West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Andrew Stine defends those in the West Palm Beach area of Florida who are facing criminal charges like DUI, drug crimes, or traffic offenses.
(561) 832-1170