henry dahut

Office Address:
3928 Carpenter#204
studio City, CA 91604


henry dahut

Henry Dahut, Attorney

Henry Dahut, attorney, author, instructor and law firm brand marketing advisor has consulted with AM-Law 500 firms on brand and client service management and is the author of the best-selling law practice management book, Marketing the Legal Mind--A Search for Leadership 2014. Henry has been a special advisor to the State Bar of California, Law Practice Management and Technology Committee, and is a member in good standing with the California State Bar since 1986.

Henry practices civil litigation, criminal defense and represents elders in elder abuse cases. Henry is currently active in contributing to the development of legal education reforms and has participated in State Bar meetings involving the formulation of law school education reforms.

$48 For 15 Hours of Texas CLE Full Compliance - Lowest Price
This compliance bundle provides access to online video and audio courses which, when completed, will satisfy the entire 15 hour and 3 hour ethics CLE requirement for Texas. These courses have been approved by the State Bar of Texas for full CLE credit.