Elizabeth Bacon Ehlers

Office Address:
123 North Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL 60606

(312) 953-2671

Elizabeth Bacon Ehlers

Meckler Bulger & Tilson LLP

$58 For 24 Hours of New York CLE Full Compliance - Lowest Price
This CLE package will satisfy all of your New York CLE requirements! The MCLEZ New York Bundle A provides 24 hours of CLE credit, including 4 hrs of Ethics, Professionalism and Diversity.

Chicago Commercial Litigation Lawyers

Emplt & Comm. Attorney-Mediator. Lawdragon.com Top 500 Litigators in America (2006). Treatise-Holloway & Leech, Employment Termination: Rights and Remedies. Fellow: Coll. of L&E Lawyers
(312) 704-3000
Mr. Hart serves as Senior Counsel in Handler Thayer's Commercial Practice Group.
I have been a trial and appellate lawyer in complex business cases for over 25 years, concentrating in franchsie/dealership and other cases. I pride myself as my clients' most trusted advisor.