Matthew Crider

Office Address:
333 University Avenue, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95825


Matthew Crider

Crider Law Group

Matthew established a law firm, Crider Law Group, in Sacramento California. Their firm provides a wide range of divorce and family law services, advising individuals and families how to protect themselves, their loved ones, and their financial assets. Working with Crider Law Group is a partnership. They are always available to communicate with you about your case, whether face-to-face, by video, by phone, or by email.

$48 For 15 Hours of Texas CLE Full Compliance - Lowest Price
This compliance bundle provides access to online video and audio courses which, when completed, will satisfy the entire 15 hour and 3 hour ethics CLE requirement for Texas. These courses have been approved by the State Bar of Texas for full CLE credit.

Sacramento Family Law Lawyers

Nickens & Nazaryan, Inc. is a professional law corporation providing professional legal services to individuals, families, and businesses in and around Sacramento, Northern California.