Kimberley Rowland

Office Address:
701 B Street, Ste. 1255
San Diego, CA 92101

(619) 236-1891

Kimberley Rowland

Branton & Wilson, APC

$48 For 15 Hours of Texas CLE Full Compliance - Lowest Price
This compliance bundle provides access to online video and audio courses which, when completed, will satisfy the entire 15 hour and 3 hour ethics CLE requirement for Texas. These courses have been approved by the State Bar of Texas for full CLE credit.

San Diego Estate, Trust, Wills, Probate Lawyers

Graduated cum laude and was a member of the Order of the Barristers. Began practice with large law firm in San Diego, then started own practice in Jan of 2008.

Alisha Wood

San Diego Lawyer

San Diego, UT 92101
San Diego Lawyer - The Law Offices of Alisha A. Wood is the #1 San Diego Lawyer firm! Check out our website to see all of our services and to schedule a free consultation.
(619) 881-7126