Miguel Bouzas

Office Address:
16524 Pointe Village Dr, #100
Lutz, FL 33558

(727) 254-5255

Miguel Bouzas

Florin Gray Bouzas Owens, LLC

Practice Areas

As part of the employment law firm Florin Gray Bouzas Owens, LLC we have helped thousands of citizens of Florida that have been harassed or discriminated against by their employer.

$58 For 25 California MCLE Credits Full Compliance - Lowest Price
This MCLE package will satisfy all of your Calfornia MCLE requirements! The MCLEZ California Bundle A provides 25 hours of informative and interesting video on demand courses that fully satifies your MCLE requirements.

Lutz Employment Law Lawyers

Imler Law is a Labor & Employment law firm dedicated to fighting for and protecting the rights of employees across the state of Florida.
(813) 553-7709