Criminal Law Attorneys in Roanoke

Roanoke Criminal Defense and Family Law Firm
(540) 342-5608
Experienced Roanoke Criminal Defense Attorney
(540) 343-9349
fmr prosecutor & ins. def. litigator; current practice in employment law, incl. EEOC, gov't, & admin. dscplnry; crim. def.; civil rights; LL/T, & pers. inj.
Attorney Nathan Coulter has been practicing law and serving clients in Roanoke, Virginia for several years.

Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown Law

Roanoke, TX 76262
Jeff Brown is a criminal defense attorney serving the Dallas-Fort Worth, TX area.
(817) 455-0738

Cerid Lugar

Lugar Law

Roanoke, VA 24011
Attorney Cerid E. Lugar has been practicing law and serving clients in Roanoke, Virginia for many years.