Criminal Law Attorneys in Asheville

Blake Marcus

Minick Law, P.C.

Asheville, NC 28601
Blake Marcus focuses primarily in DWI defense. He has completed the NHTSA DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Course.
(828) 333-5024
I manage a regional law firm based in Asheville, NC. We handle family law and related criminal defense matters. We maintain a special emphasis on complex child custody litigation.

James Minick

Minick Law, P.C.

Asheville, NC 28801
James Minick is the Asheville DWI Guy. James Concentrates his practice in DWI / DUI Defense and has handled hundreds of DWI cases throughout Western North Carolina.
(828) 333-5024

Doug Edwards

Edwards Law, PLLC

Asheville, NC 28801
Doug is a former prosecutor and Board-Certified Specialist in State Criminal Law. As a former Buncombe County prosecutor, he now represents and defends people that have been charged with a crime.
If you have received a speeding ticket or any other type of traffic ticket
Criminal, Traffic and all Family Law matters in Buncombe and Madison Counties.