Construction Law Attorneys in San Jose

Lucy McAllister Licensing Law aims to help individuals protect their professional licenses.
(408) 291-8686
Daniel Halpern heads a family firm in San Jose and Fresno. In each year since 1999, Daniel Halpern has been cited as one of the “Best Lawyers in Silicon Valley” in the practice of Family Law.
JD. USF, 1985; B.A. UC Berkeley, 1978; Bd of Penins. Build. Exch, 2002-present; Assoc. of Gen Contractors of Cal., Legal Adv. Comm, 1991 to present; Adj. Prof Law Lincoln Law School 2003-pres.
(408) 291-1957
Ken is a full-time arbitrator and mediator, helping attorneys guide their clients through difficult times.
For any of your civil law needs ( including business law, employment law, contract law, real estate law, civil litigation, probate litigation and any other civil law matters)
4088) 298-6611
Civil Litigator, Construction and Real Estate Matters.