Workers Comp Attorneys in Asheville
Asheville North Carolina Attorney specializing in car accidents, slip and falls, construction defects and personal injury law.
(828) 333-5996
James Minick is the Asheville DWI Guy. James Concentrates his practice in DWI / DUI Defense and has handled hundreds of DWI cases throughout Western North Carolina.
(828) 333-5024
Blake Marcus focuses primarily in DWI defense. He has completed the NHTSA DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Course.
(828) 333-5024
I have practiced law in Asheville, North Carolina since 1971. I began practicing in Asheville after graduating from the University of North Carolina School of Law.
(828) 258-8053
A tough but caring attorney for personal injury, auto wrecks, trucking accidents, dog bites, worker's compensation, and social security disability cases.
(828) 255-0569
At Lee Law Offices, P.A., we bring many decades of experience representing Carolina accident victims to work for you from the moment you walk into our offices.
Choose Practice Area
- Appellate
- Bankruptcy
- Business Formation
- Business Law
- Business Owner
- Civil Litigation
- Civil Rights
- Class Action
- Commercial Litigation
- Construction Law
- Consumer Fraud / Protection
- Corporate Counsel
- Corporate Law
- Criminal Law
- DUI Defense
- Elder law
- Employment Law
- Estate, Trust, Wills, Probate
- Family Law
- Immigration
- Insurance
- Landlord - Tenant
- Mediator
- Medical Malpractice
- Personal Injury
- Real Estate Law
- Social Security
- Tax Law
- Workers Comp