DUI Defense Attorneys in Torrance
Gabriel Dorman is a Los Angeles and Orange County Criminal Defense DUI Lawyer with 14 years’ experience and a track record of successfully defending numerous clients.
Greg Hill is a criminal defense attorney in his fifteenth year of practice.
Mr. Bouvier-Brown has a special expertise in matters relating to police brutality, gang related felonies, drug charges and sex crimes.
(310) 633-4612
If you decide to hire me, I will explore every legal possibility to help you and try to uncover facts or factual perspectives to win your freedom or reduce your punishment.
Practices in area of criminal defense and employment law for over 10 years.
(310) 266-9150
Choose Practice Area
- Appellate
- Bankruptcy
- Business Formation
- Business Law
- Business Owner
- Civil Litigation
- Civil Rights
- Class Action
- Commercial Litigation
- Construction Law
- Consumer Fraud / Protection
- Corporate Counsel
- Corporate Law
- Criminal Law
- DUI Defense
- Elder law
- Employment Law
- Estate, Trust, Wills, Probate
- Family Law
- Immigration
- Insurance
- Landlord - Tenant
- Mediator
- Medical Malpractice
- Personal Injury
- Real Estate Law
- Social Security
- Tax Law
- Workers Comp