DUI Defense Attorneys in Rochester

For over 25 years Todd J.W. Wisner has successfully represented those accused of Alcohol Influenced Operating Offenses.
(565) 244-5600
Anderson Law Firm is located in Rochester, Minnesota. Our practice is focused in the areas of Family Law, Criminal Defense and Estate Planning and Probate matters.
Bryon W. Gross has practiced law in Massachusetts (1991), Connecticut (1992), D.C. (1998) and New York (1999). Further, he is also admitted to numerous Federal Courts.

Rob Lamb

Lamb Law Offices

Rochester, NY 14614
Primary Areas of Practice Concentrated in Criminal Defense and Civil Litigation. Has significant experience in the areas of business formation and trust and estate law as well.
585-325-6700 ext 22
An accomplished criminal defense attorney fights for his clients’ rights throughout Upstate New York
DWI / DUI Defense, Criminal Defense, Professional and Student Discipline, Employment Law

James Napier

Napier and Napier

Rochester, NY 14614
Criminal defense attorneys representing clients in Rochester and New York State, we are carrying on a long and prestigious history of Napier's defending clients in both federal and state court.
I am a Rochester, New York, attorney focusing my practice primarily on family and matrimonial law and bankruptcy.
(585) 419-5714
Attorney Christopher K. Rodeman has been practicing law and serving clients in Rochester, New York for many years.