Elder law Attorneys in Corpus Christi
Licensed in Texas & California; Mediator(Family Law, Civil); V.A. credentialed veteran's atty, Professional Guardian; Retired Dep Dist Attorney, L.A.,CA, former Asst Atty Gen. Child Support, TX
Attorney-Mediator; Family Law; Wills, Powers of Atty, etc; Guardianships; retired Dep Dist Atty L.A. CA. & former Asst Atty Gen'l-St of Tx, ChildSupport; Licensed TX & CA(inactive);VA accredited
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- Appellate
- Bankruptcy
- Business Formation
- Business Law
- Business Owner
- Civil Litigation
- Civil Rights
- Class Action
- Commercial Litigation
- Construction Law
- Consumer Fraud / Protection
- Corporate Counsel
- Corporate Law
- Criminal Law
- DUI Defense
- Elder law
- Employment Law
- Estate, Trust, Wills, Probate
- Family Law
- Immigration
- Insurance
- Landlord - Tenant
- Mediator
- Medical Malpractice
- Personal Injury
- Real Estate Law
- Social Security
- Tax Law
- Workers Comp